Thursday, August 29, 2013

A House Full of Windows

This is Kyler's Nana. This picture can't even put into words how much our son means to her. You see, Kyler is her first grandchild, and his birth was a bittersweet event for her. Let me take you back a few years and try to paint a clear picture...

Brad and I had been in the adoption process for a little over a year when we matched up with Kyler's mom when she was 4.5 months pregnant. It was actually late into her pregnancy when we confirmed the sex of her baby, and we were so excited to share our news with everyone in a creative way that we were having a boy. FINALLY! When we told Brad's mom and dad, I remember his dad saying, "I'm getting me a fishin' buddy now!" Brad's parents were very excited to say the least. That excitement quickly turned into tragedy as Brad's dad [Almon] was soon admitted to the hospital a few days later with complications from his previously inserted pacemaker.

Fast forward a few weeks and Almon was in ICU (intensive care unit) fighting for his life against an infection from the pacemaker that had spread to his blood. At this time, we were both in Albuquerque, New Mexico waiting for Kyler to be born. Kyler was born on Oct 2 to the delight of us all, and Almon was also showing some signs of recovery. Things were looking up. Then Almon took a turn for the worse and Brad's dad died a mere ten days after Kyler was born. Brad's mother, Debra, had experienced both one of the greatest experiences of her life andone of the worst....gaining a grandson but losing a husband.

Brad had flown to be by his dad's bedside a few days earlier...I stayed in New Mexico waiting for our paperwork to clear so we could leave the state with our son. It was hard times. Brad was torn up being away from his newborn son and also losing his father, and I was a new parent with a 10 day-old infant feeling elated but tired and helpless. To our relief, our adoption clearance came the day before the funeral, so I hopped on a the next plane out with my 2 week old son in tow...determine to be together as a family for the funeral of Kyler's Paw-Paw. We landed safely in the airport that night and made our way to the family's house at almost midnight. We walked in the door and Nana was waiting in the living room to meet her grandson. It was a moment I don't think any of us will ever forget. There was total elation slamming head-on into utter sadness at the same time. There was nothing but tears a'flowing as Nana cradled Kyler in her arms and rocked back and forth with him on her knees....both praising God for blessing her with this child and wishing to the stars that her Almon could be there to share this moment together. A special bond was created in that moment. A bond between that small child and this weeping woman. Her broken heart unfolded and, consumed with unconditional love, dedicated its existence to the happiness of her grandson.

A few months ago, Brad and Kyler went to visit Nana for a few days. During that time, Kyler went with her to Uncle Bob's house where he was able to go fishin' in the small pond behind his house. I think Kyler thought catching a fish was one of the grossest but coolest thing ever. He shrilled with delight and can't wait to go back fishin' again. I think Paw-Paw [Almon] was right there in the moment standing by Nana's side....watching their grandson fish for the very first time. Paw-Paw handed the reigns over to Nana to have Kyler be her little fishin' buddy and she had succeeded.

Nana has always said that Kyler was the very one thing that saved her through the events surrounding her husband's death.She has always heard that when "God closes a door, he always opens a window." Well, Nana has stated, "He opened up a house full of windows for me." She has treasured this boy from the very first second, and her words and actions live and breathe it every moment. This woman is strong. This woman is endearing. This woman is loving. This woman is Nana...Kyler's Nana,

I look at this picture above and it just swells my heart with such swirling and sadness. We love you so much Nana, and we all miss you to the moon and back Paw-Paw.
